Make retail environments simpler and more economical.
Scanning Interface
Receipt Archive
Sale Total Form
Credit Cards
Special Features for your Retail Business

Parking Receipts
How many times has an unexpected incident, such as a wallet left in the car or the wrong item was selected, temporarily forced a customer to leave the check out in the middle of the sales process, not only halting the current transaction but holding up the line behind them?
With the receipt “parking” function, the current process can be moved to the background, so that in the meantime, the operator can start a new transaction. The parked receipt will be recalled automatically after completing the next transaction and may be parked again if necessary so that the cashier can continue to move through the line of customers.
Binding Items
At the checkout, items are usually booked in random order. When there are many items, the receipt at the end of the transaction is not only long but also confusing. The “Bind Items” function will find items with the same name, item number and price and combine them into one item with a single keystroke, thus creating an easier to read receipt (and saving on printer paper).
Splitting Items
The “Split Items” function, in contrast, lists every individual item separately on the receipt, even those with the same name, item number and price.

Receipts On/Off
Do you require a printed receipt for every transaction or are you tossing out a lot of unwanted receipts? Turn automatic receipt printing on or off easily and always see the current printer status clearly. The special feature about this function is that for each transaction, which no receipt was printed, can be reprinted from the receipt archive.

Best Price Guarantee
Pricing rules and promotions are essential tools for achieving customer loyalty. Whether fixed price variations or promotions such as “Mix and Match” or “Buy 3 – get 1 free”, KORONA.pos immediately checks if an article is part of several campaigns and then applies the greatest discount. Consequently, no promotion escapes the cashier and the customer is always given the best price.

In-store Barcodes
Korona.pos makes it possible to integrate in-store barcodes for products that do not come with the necessary barcodes from the manufacturer. A wide range of barcode types and barcode readers are supported.

Rapidly Switch Operators
Switching operators is easy and occurs very quickly each time you log in by way of a numeric code. The entry can be done via touch screen, keyboard, magnetic card readers, bar code scanner or a waiter’s key.
Deposit Processing
The Korona.pos also includes an intelligent, automatic deposit system for disposable and reusable containers. The system supports the simultaneous acquisition of full containers, empty containers or combination boxes. The open system interface also provides excellent opportunities to connect to reverse vending machines, for example.